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Calling all Photography Tuition providers

As someone who teaches photography myself, I love the process of helping people to get the most from their cameras, and to start taking shots they are really pleased with. I also believe in 'giving something back' so I'm involved in a number of beginner groups - where I provide advice and support for anyone who has a question. And there are many! However, one of the most frequent questions I come across is people asking for advice on learning resources . . .

The most common answers from other group members are YouTube, or some kind of online teaching. Occasionally a local college course, but almost never do people suggest 1-2-1 tuition. Partly I'm sure because there is a cost involved, but also because they probably wouldn't know where to find such a service, or who to recommend. And that's where my idea for setting up a Photography Tuition Directory comes in!

I can of course promote my own tuition services locally, but it's not cost effective for me to travel huge distances to run a session - and likewise for students, who don't want to travel either. So what I decided to do was to build a list of photographers across the UK, and eventually beyond, who offer tuition - ideally 1-2-1, but also in very small groups. Anything from 'off auto' to more advanced skills such as ICM or using filters, plus compositional techniques, and also covering post processing in packages such as Lightroom and Photoshop. That way, if any of us is asked the best way to learn (by someone not local to us) we can recommend face to face tuition - and then point people at the directory, to see if there is someone in their area.

One thing to mention here, this is not about advertising photography workshops or holidays, it's very specific to tuition services - with the aim of helping people to learn basic or more advanced skills, and how to control their cameras in order to get the shots they want.

In the short term this is just a simple list containing basic details and a link to each tutors' website - hosted on my own website as that was an easy and cost-effective way of making it live quickly. But over time, if it takes off, I may be able to create a separate site altogether, and make it more 'formal' - with a search function and so on. For now though, I have kept it simple, so I could get it up and running as soon as possible!

If you'd like to be added to the list, please email with your name, company name (if you have one), nearest town and web address, using the URL of a page that's specific to your tuition services if you have one, or your contact page if not. And if you don't have a website, then a link to your Facebook business page would work instead.

One last thing to mention, I'm not doing this for any form of personal benefit, apart from being on the list if others come across someone who is looking in my area - so you won't suddenly find I'm trying to charge for the listing in the future!

Thank you for your interest, and feel free to ask me any questions.


07595 161855

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All images on this website are owned by Gill Prince unless otherwise specified. Any reproduction, modification, publication, transmission, transfer, or exploitation of the content for commercial or personal use, whether in whole or part, without written permission from the artist, is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.


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